Welcome to our website!
Learn more about our Church
Welcome to the website of The Church at Deerfield Beach. We hope that you’ll take time to peruse our site and get to know us. We wish to extend to you an invitation to join us for worship at one of our services. Here is what you can expect:
We commit ourselves to God-centered and God-focused worship. Therefore, in all that we do, we seek to glorify Him and know Him more and more.
We are both reverent and joyful in our singing. We sing hymns, choruses and Psalms.
Our preaching is expository. We preach through the books of the Bible, seeking by God’s Spirit to understand the true meaning in its original context and how those truths apply to our lives now.
If you are a family with children, we welcome them in our services so that the entire family can worship and grow in their knowledge of the Lord together. If needed, we have a lobby in the back of the sanctuary where you can still hear, see, and participate in the worship.
Our worship services are approximately 90 minutes in length, with 30-40 minutes of worship through prayer, song and the reading of Scripture. The remaining 50-60 minutes is devoted to the preaching of God’s Word.
We are more casual than formal in our attire. Some men will wear jeans while some wear slacks. Some of the ladies wear dresses or skirts while others wear pants. You are welcome to be more formal or more casual. Please feel free to worship with us.